• Got a podcast to make? Come in and work in our 6-person podcast studio. High quality recording equipment is made simple to use, with guidance on-site to get you off and running or just set-up and get recording.
• Want the podcast in-vision? We all know visuals are the way the market is going and they can be vital in getting your podcast seen (literally) on social media. Create the buzz around your podcast and get the listeners subscribing by using any of our 4 studios. Create your own green-screen backdrops, work in the Informal Studio or simply brand up the 6-person studio with your own logos and colour scheme and we’ll get the cameras rolling.
• Got a voiceover that needs recording? Know the voice you need but can’t get them in front of a mic? Our connectivity and superb superfast broadband means all you have to do is get them here, click a link and you can work with them online as if they are in the studio with you.
• How about going LIVE? With vMix installed you can stream your content directly online from any of the studios. Make yourself at home, click go and find your audience. Take up the Streaming Studio and with a producer in the gallery you can be live to the world in-vision at the touch of a button
But we haven’t made a podcast before?!
Don’t worry, here at Yorkshire Podcast Studios we’ve been working in radio, audio and visuals for a combined number of years so large that you can understand why a lot of us have little hair. Those that do, well there are reasons… Anyway, we can help you plot, plan, record, edit and publish that great content you are creating.
So, if you need a satellite recording studio that be fast and flexible when it comes to your needs, get in touch with us here at YPS and we’ll work with you.
If you’re searching for a podcast studio near Leeds, an audiobook recording studio, or a studio you can live-stream from in West Yorkshire, we’re just off the M62 at Birstall. A 10-minute drive from Morley Train Station.
We’ll do our best to make your podcast, audiobook, voice-over or live-stream vodcast the VERY best.
Or just hit the button.