Communication is actually quite a tricky concept to explain when it comes to business. It’s about how you connect with people, or maybe it’s about how you want to connect with them?
How do you want that first meeting to define the rest of your relationship with your customer or staff? And let’s face it, are you just selling a very different version of yourself to many different people? That’s a fair few questions to start off with.
The thing is, in the last year or so I’ve met a lot of businesspeople. I would never really have considered myself one but as I now run Yorkshire Podcast Studios, I guess I am one. I must buy that suit.
A lot of people want to get themselves heard, which is a lovely idea if you like that kind of thing. I would suggest people should want to have what they say listened to – which is a very different concept all together – and maybe they should listen to other people too.

There are a huge number of business podcasts whether for niche industries, regions, cities, or any kind of group of business owners but what makes the best ones is what makes the best radio or TV. You need interesting, engaging people telling good stories.
However, while the owners, MDs and CEOs get round some microphones for a right old chinwag about themselves, are any of them doing the right thing by two huge groups of people in their own lives?
Firstly, the customer. Have you been honest enough with them about what you do and how you got to this point? Could be working with them, selling a product to them, or just making a very good impression? How do you do that? Well, it was hidden in that rather meandering sentence: be honest with them. Tell them your tale (the true one) and it may well resonate with them. It may be that ultimate icebreaker. It might mean your product or service is not for them, but I guarantee as soon as they meet someone who does need what you supply, that word-of-mouth recommendation will be worth a few bob. “I know someone who can help you with that.”
You don’t even have to do this face-to-face. Stick a video on your website that puts the person (you, not someone you want people to think is you) in the frame ahead of the name or the face.
Talk to them.

Secondly, do your staff know what’s going on with this business of yours? Are they on board with the beliefs you have about where it’s headed? Do they have a clue what your plans are, and do they know enough about the product or services you are both working on day-by-day to make succeed?
If you’re not talking to your staff, you really should be. The eye-opener from this first year at Yorkshire Podcast Studios has been the companies who have elevated themselves from weekly or even monthly company updates via email or Word doc or boring meeting to audio and video podcasts that their staff can watch and listen to. They take in your messaging at a time they can absorb it. On the commute, on the dog walk, while doing the job you’re asking them to do. They’re informed, hopefully entertained, but mainly engaged and then enthused.
That’s the power of a good podcast, and not enough business owners are harnessing that power.
Luckily, I know someone who can help you with that.
David Easson runs Yorkshire Podcast Studios, which is based just off the M62 at Jct 27 Birstall. www.yorkshirepodcaststudios.com
Yorkshire Podcast Studios can help you be seen & heard

At YPS we can come to you and offer on-site filming for podcasts, corporate videos, award ceremonies and much more. We have a fully insured CAA qualified operator to film drone footage and can also take care of all the post production and your social media management.
Or come to us. If you are looking for high-quality studios in which you can record podcasts, livestream broadcasts and get your audio or video to the audience you want in the most effective way possible, get in touch with us here at Yorkshire Podcast Studios.
We look forward to seeing you (for a brew and a chat) at Yorkshire Podcast Studios soon.
Give us a call on 0113 479 0774 or email: info@yorkshirepodcaststudios.com